Desain UI/UX Aplikasi Bank Sampah MOLEN


During my 3rd semester, I was required to create a mobile application design to fulfill a semester project for a UI/UX Design course. The design has to focus on problems that happened in real life especially in Indonesia. For this project, I created a mobile application design called MOLEN to address the waste management issue in Indonesia.

In Indonesia, effective waste management remains a pressing issue. According to the Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional (SIPSN), Indonesia produced 21.1 million tons of waste in 2022, with only 65.71% effectively managed. This leaves 34.39%, or 7.2 million tons, improperly handled, posing significant environmental challenges including increased greenhouse gas emissions and methane production.

Recognizing this challenge, I embarked on designing MOLEN (Mulung Online), a mobile application designed to revolutionize waste management by introducing the concept of waste banks. My vision is to encourage Indonesians to take charge of their waste and transform it into valuable resources.

MOLEN enables users to exchange their waste for Indonesian rupiah, incentivizing responsible waste disposal while promoting environmental stewardship. Through this innovative approach, we aim to address Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 13, focusing on sustainable cities and communities, as well as climate action.

I believe that meaningful change begins with small, smart steps. By fostering effective waste management practices, we strive to create a more sustainable environment for current and future generations.

As this prototype is still far from perfect, any feedbacks or suggestions will be meaningful, thank you for checking!

Posted on Mar 12, 2024


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