

The company provides educational services through platforms for corporate and individual self-learning. Discover how we built a multi-level marketplace that enables training through videos, testing and earning diplomas.


The client's team approached Computools because they were looking for a contractor to solve some problems in launching an online education platform. The issue of gathering a diverse pool of initial users and course authors had to be resolved because the disparate nature of the pool was getting in the way of the project's launch.

Understanding the client's ambition to create a universal educational portal for authors, individuals and employers, Computools developed a comprehensive solution. The team implemented features for each user category, integrated a convenient video player with auto-switching modules, and built a flexible statistics system to track course progress. Using such technologies as Bootstrap, Mandrill, Entity Framework, PHP, .NET and jQuery, Computools’ specialists created a dynamic and user-friendly platform. The result is a robust, customised education platform that significantly increases user engagement, resulting in increased profitability and a significantly broader consumer base.


The building of a reliable and effective educational platform was carried out using the expert knowledge and skill of the company's engineers. The features and improvements introduced created an engaging and intuitive user interface design, making the platform popular and in demand. This allowed the client to expand the consumer base and increase profits significantly.

Several key issues we solved:Developed features for three types of consumers: authors, individuals and employers.Created a convenient video player with an auto switch of new modules.Built in a flexible system for collecting and analysing statistics on courses' study progress.


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