Daily UI Challenge #27 - Success Message

Daily UI Challenge #27 - Success Message

Hey all👋🏻,

My 27th daily UI challenge in the Hype 4 Academy (63 more to go !) - A Success Message modal.

A Success Message Modal may seem a simple very part of the design process, but it has its very own intricacies to be dealt with like when to appear, how smooth it feels for the user and how delightful it becomes for the user to feel a sense of success in the task at hand! Tried making it light and vibrant with 3D style illustration making it more realistic.

Hope you like it !

Feel free to give your suggestions for improvement.

And press [ L ] if you ❤️ it! :-)

I am available for new UI design projects!

Drop a mail at Bhawana.CreativeStudio@gmail.com

More by Bhawana Kumari Rajesh

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