Edenred Redesign: A New Look for a Leading Company

Edenred Hero Redesign

Project: Redesign of the website and marketing materials for Edenred, a leading company in business services.


  • Improve the user experience of the website

  • Make the brand more modern and engaging

Development of a new design concept:

  • Intuitive and minimalist user interface: The new design prioritizes user experience, ensuring that it is easy to navigate and understand. The interface is uncluttered and focused on essential functions, providing a smooth and efficient user journey.

  • Modern design with glassmorphism: The design incorporates contemporary elements such as glassmorphism, which utilizes transparency and blur effects to create a visually appealing and engaging user experience. Glassmorphism is implemented in a way that aligns with the brand's identity, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable visual representation.

Tools used:

  • Figma

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Photoshop

Client: Edenred

Year: 2024

Category: Branding, Web Design, Marketing

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