Logo Design - Chiropractor

Logo and brand design for the newly launched Valley Sports Chiropractic (VSC)

Located on the vibrant Southside of Bethlehem, PA, VSC is your destination for best-in-class chiropractic care.

The logo features three majestic mountain peaks, symbolizing the valley of the Lehigh Valley, peak performance, and VSC's three-phased approach to optimizing your health and performance.

The triangular shapes of the peaks are seamlessly integrated into the VSC letters, adding fluidity, balance, and stability to the logo while representing these elements as outcomes of the services offered.

Incorporating a sleek color palette of black and vibrant electric green/yellow gradients and kinetic textures, the design embodies the essence of optimal performance, recovery, and rehabilitation. Inspired by the hydration and electrolytes found in sports energy drinks like Gatorade, this palette perfectly captures the energy and vitality that VSC brings to its clients.

More by Jon Billett

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