Editorial Design: Portland Monthly Magazine

Editorial Design

I learned so much during my time as the Design Director for Portland Magazine, and it was gratifying to watch my design skills improve with every issue! Whenever I started a new design, I thought of it as a puzzle or Tetris. How do I frame the text beautifully and effectively while providing enough visual interest within a specific amount of space?

Directly below is a gallery of some of my favorite designs! The complete issues (July/August 2022–October 2023) are available at https://www.portlandmonthly.com/portmag/archives/.

Ad Design

Part of my role as Design Director included updating and development ad material for both Portland Magazine and our advertisers. Most of our advertisers came in with an idea of what they were looking for, and it was fun to really make that vision a reality!

More by Hanna Flewelling

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