Music Player


I completed my #UIX101 #009 task 😊

In this task, I designed the search and song listening screens of a music player. I aimed to create a practical and eye-friendly design by examining #YoutubeMusic and #Spotify.

I chose a dark gray background to reduce eye strain, especially for those who enjoy listening to music before bed.

On the search page, users can search by artist, song, etc. They can also use the dictation feature if they have a typing barrier or simply feel lazy to type. If they are undecided about what to listen to but want to follow a specific genre like "feeling pop today," they can explore recommendations from categories. They can easily access previously listened songs and find similar songs they enjoyed. If they want to keep up with new releases, they can easily find those songs too.

As commonly encountered in music apps, when reopening the application, it usually shows the last listened song or a song from the library. However, I may not want to continue where I left off on my next visit, or I may have opened the app just to search for a song. Keeping the playback section always open takes up space on the screen. I aimed to make this section collapsible to provide a wider viewing area. Users can click on the song's photo to access the playback page where they can share the song, like it, or perform standard actions related to the song. If they want to see the lyrics, they can toggle the lyrics section open or closed. If they want to listen to the song offline, they can download it, remove it from their library if it's already added, add it to a playlist, or navigate to the album to listen to other songs.

Lastly, I added small animations to the playback section on the search page and the menu on the song listening page. Here is the link for those who want to experience it: Figma Prototype

Your feedback is highly valuable to me, please feel free to share your comments!

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