Tax SaaS B2B / B2C

TaxTank delivers a seamless user experience, combining intuitive navigation with powerful features for effortless financial management. With its sleek interface and streamlined organization, users can easily track incomes, expenses, and investments while simplifying tax management. Enjoy a user-friendly design that prioritizes clarity and efficiency, ensuring smooth interactions and informed decision-making. Experience the convenience of TaxTank's UX design and take charge of your finances with confidence.

UX Challenges

Our UX challenge was to devise a simple, sleek, and intuitive workflow that caters to both businesses (B2B) and individuals (B2C), empowering them to effortlessly manage their finances with ease. Here's how we tackled this challenge

IA - Information Architecture

We optimized the information architecture of the platform to present financial data and tools in a clear and structured manner. By categorizing and labeling content effectively, we minimized cognitive load and enabled users to locate relevant information quickly.

UI Intuitive Interface Design

Our interface design prioritized simplicity and clarity, with clean visuals and intuitive interactions. We utilized familiar design patterns and visual cues to guide users through each step of their financial tasks, ensuring a seamless user experience.

More by Eli Zager

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