Galenos: Mental Health Research Platform UI/UX Design


Tasked with designing an intuitive, user-friendly UI/UX for Galenos, a mental health research institute dedicated to compiling and analyzing global mental health literature.


Create an easily navigable, engaging online resource for researchers, funders, and anyone interested in mental health science, amidst the complexity and volume of data.


  1. Conducted thorough research and user interviews to understand stakeholder needs.

  2. Developed a clear information architecture, including user personas and journey mapping.

  3. Iterative design process focused on human-centered design principles.

  4. Built and tested interactive prototypes for optimal usability.

  5. Delivered a comprehensive UI/UX design ready for development.


A dynamic and impactful design that simplifies complex data, aiding in the acceleration of mental health research discoveries.

Posted on Jan 25, 2024

More by Shonit K Jadhav

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