Medical Flyer design (1)

Headline: (Grab attention with a clear and concise message)

  • Example: Take Charge of Your Health: [Your Specialty] Open House!

  • Alternative: Pain-Free Life Awaits: Discover Cutting-Edge [Treatment] Techniques

Subheadline: (Provide more details and benefits)

  • Example: Free consultations, interactive demos, and expert insights!

  • Alternative: Get personalized advice, learn about [procedure], and win exciting prizes!

Visuals: (Use high-quality images and graphics relevant to your specialty)

  • Photos: Doctors, patients, equipment, or happy people enjoying good health.

  • Illustrations: Infographics, diagrams, or icons representing your services.

  • Color palette: Choose colors that evoke trust, care, and professionalism (e.g., blue, green, white).

Call to action: (Tell viewers what to do next)

  • Example: RSVP for the Open House today! [Link or phone number]

  • Alternative: Schedule a free consultation: [Website or call to action]

Additional elements:

  • Logo and branding: Ensure consistent branding with your clinic or hospital.

  • Contact information: Address, phone number, website, and social media links.

  • Dates and times: Clearly mention the event date and time.

  • Testimonials: Include positive quotes from satisfied patients (optional).

Dribbble-specific tips:

  • Use high-resolution images and graphics.

  • Keep the text concise and easy to read.

  • Show, don't tell: Use visuals to communicate your message.

  • Follow Dribbble's design trends and best practices.

  • Use relevant tags to help people find your design.

Remember to tailor the description to your specific flyer and target audience. By following these tips, you can create a captivating medical flyer design that will stand out on Dribbble and attract new patients.


  • Mention any special offers or promotions you're running.

  • Highlight the expertise and qualifications of your medical team.

  • Create a sense of urgency and scarcity to encourage immediate action.

Posted on Jan 16, 2024

More by Syed Nehal Aziz

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