Module 5-Chocolace packaging animation

Get ready for an epic tale of creativity unleashed during the winter break of 2023! The stage was set when our teachers decided to go on strike just a week before the holidays, leaving us with an electrifying challenge – a chocolate project that involved the thrilling tasks of overhauling packaging, crafting a website, conjuring up dazzling packaging graphics, and masterminding mind-blowing advertisements. It was a creative rollercoaster, and I set my sights on the commercial video, driven by my burning passion for After Effects. After diving into countless YouTube tutorials, I emerged with a jaw-dropping 3D packaging display that exceeded all expectations!

Day one kicked off with the birth of a 3D cube, and by day two, that cube had morphed into a sleek packaging box, adorned with dynamic graphics and designs that were nothing short of mesmerizing. The third day brought a triumph over the challenge of single-sided images, as I conjured up a double-sided masterpiece. Day four was a game-changer as I mastered the art of dynamic shadows, infusing my creation with an extra layer of awesomeness. Despite the brevity of the final 5-second clip, the learning journey was nothing short of a thrilling adventure.

In the end, this holiday wasn't just fulfilling – it was an exhilarating odyssey of creativity and discovery!

Posted on Jan 7, 2024

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