Tech Website Design

Interactive Art Director & Designer

INFINIX 2.0 Product Landing Page

Project Overview - Brand Refresh



Industry: SaaS

Concept Creation

Strategy and Content Outline

Imagery and Design

Desktop Build Software Utilized: Ceros Studio, Adobe Firefly

As both the Interactive Art Director and Designer, I took on the responsibility of creating a comprehensive project scope for Infinix, a tech service solution company's landing page. The objective of INFINIX 2.0 was to refresh the brand using Adobe Firefly prompt imagery for testing.

Concept Creation: I had originally conceived and developed the overarching concept and copy for the landing page. This included defining the key themes and messaging that would underpin the entire project. With the brand refresh, I went in a completely different direction to test series imagery capabilities.

Strategy and Content Outline: I formulated the strategic approach, outlining content that aligns with Infinix's vision and mission. This content was crafted to be informative and engaging, providing value to visitors.

Imagery and Design: The creation of visuals, icons, and the overall design elements of the landing page I generated using Adobe Firefly prompts. My goal was to design a visually appealing and modern interface that embodies Infinix's brand identity.

Desktop Build: Ceros Studio was my primary tool for constructing and developing the landing page. Its versatile capabilities allowed me to independently create an immersive and interactive experience for visitors, aligning with Infinix's vision.

Target Audience: Infinix's target audience comprises professionals and decision-makers in the tech and SaaS industry. My approach aimed to create a landing page that independently communicated Infinix's value proposition and catered to this tech-savvy audience.

Melissa Showers
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