NGO's home page

Clarity and Ease:

  • Clear instructions and labels: Donors don't get lost, minimizing frustration and abandonment.

  • Visual hierarchy: Important information like donation amount stands out, guiding the eyes naturally.

  • Conciseness: No text overload, making the form quick and accessible for busy donors.

Mobile-Friendly Efficiency:

  • Responsive layout: Seamless experience across devices, catering to modern donation trends.

  • Smooth interaction: Easy tapping and form filling on smaller screens.

Accessibility and Trust:

  • Branding consistency: Builds familiarity and trust with the organization.

  • Clear call to action: "Continue >" prompts next steps without ambiguity.

Potential Improvements:

  • Reduced information overload: Less text, more visuals, could further streamline the process.

  • Enhanced impact: Incorporating emotional storytelling through images or videos could boost donations.

  • Donation level context: Explaining the impact of each tier motivates informed giving.

  • Social proof: Testimonials or logos could add credibility and encourage contributions.

  • Progress bar: Showing proximity to a fundraising goal can incentivize donations.


The design provides a solid foundation for a user-friendly donation experience. By addressing potential improvements, it can optimize the donation process, leading to increased conversion rates and donor satisfaction.

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