Mintyswap App Design

Faisal M Rahman

The Fresh New Platform to Mint NFTs and Swap Tokens

They are assembling a community of creators and supporters who want to establish and grow an innovative economy via the Blockchain.

Faisal M Rahman

Keeping the tax low while still contributing to funding and liquidity with the flexibility to update features as token and use cases evolve.

Faisal M Rahman

They aim to provide consumers access to cryptocurrency-based financial services, allowing them to exchange, or ‘swap’, various digital assets.

Faisal M Rahman

They’re building a place where artists, producers and creators come together to offer a new medium to buy and sell their creations to passionate collectors.

Considering the growth of DeFi protocols and the ever-maturing markets for lending, exchange, derivatives, etc., MintySwap provides a one-stop aggregation & exchange platform for consumers and offers developers access to an open, distributed, limitless, and secure trading environment.

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