H from Humerus

Illustrated Capital Letter


This Illustrated Capital Letter is inspired in one little part of one of the most important things of human body; the humerus, a bone from human squeleton that holds our body. The humerus hasn't a great mixture of colors, and traditionally we've assumed that bones are white, and I've approached to colore it with a great variety of shades of grey. We know that bones have a light shade of yellow, which is traditionally known as bone color. 

Talking about the different structures from the top to the bottom, I've imitated in realistic drawing the shapes of the humerus on the top (the front part of the humerus and the back), and in the bottom part I've made a typography with round serif, imitating the shape of this bone, giving it a unique concept. 

The process of this letter is simple. Firstly, I've drawn it with its respective structures with the purpose that is proportions are harmonics. Next, I've defined its forms with a thin calibrated marker (0.05), the same with its respective shadows and shades, defining the shape of the humerus as realistic as possible. And finally, I've done the serifs of the letter with black color, mixing the letter itself with the degraded of the illustrated concept. 

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