Small Business Revamp - Ali & Ari Sweets


Ali and Ari sweets is a local business based in Houston, making homemade treats such as cookies, muffins and different varieties of chocolate. I stumbled upon their brand as I was unashamedly betraying my nutrition coach, looking for cheat meals, i figured their brand needed some heavy work, so I decided to reach out and see if I could help them out, here’s what came out of it!

The Logo

Like I've mentioned with other projects, new business owners often lean towards complex logo designs, rather than opting for simple, recognizable symbols or icons. For Ali and Ari Sweets, I decided to create a simple wordmark logo. It really embodies the idea of 'less is more.' I also aimed to give the logo a cozy, homemade feel. To do this, I chose a font that's rounded and curvy, which really enhances that homemade look and feel.

Next Up: Colors

So, for the colors for Ali and Ari Sweets' logo. I didn't want to completely ditch the colors they already had going for their brand. Instead, I stuck with shades close to what their original logo had. Here's a little logo color tip: don't go overboard with too many colors. I decided on two main colors that felt right for their brand's vibe. I went with Tea Green for Ali and Tea Rose for Ari. Then, I added a touch of Moonstone Blue. The combo gives off this really pleasant and cozy feeling when you look at the logo.

Wrapping Up.

That's the journey we took with Ali and Ari Sweets. From tweaking the logo to choosing just the right colors, we aimed to create a brand identity that's as warm and inviting as their homemade treats. It's been a sweet ride, turning their brand into something that not only looks great but also truly represents what they're all about. Thanks for coming along on this design adventure. If you're ever in Houston, don't forget to check out Ali and Ari's delicious creations. And, as always, if you're loving these redesigns and want to see more, or if you've got a project in mind, feel free to reach out. Let's cook up something amazing together!

Peace Everyone!

Sincerely Yours, Mackota


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