Building Plots - Landing page

We developed the site using technologies: on NodeJS in the server part and on JavaScript for page layout, (the React library was used for page rendering).

Do you have a great idea in mind? Let's cooperate!

Yarvino is a real Finnish cottage with its own fertile land. Plots for individual development near the Gulf of Finland on the territory of a former collective farm. Flat fertile land, clean air, convenient infrastructure, picturesque places. A website is used for the sale of plots. Naming emphasizes the uniqueness of the place, and the authenticity of the surrounding area is conveyed through the design.


We are a digital team. We focus on website development, brand strategies and communications. We create working designs that can cause positive changes and increase the value of your company.

Let's work together!

Learn more about us on the website

Posted on Nov 2, 2023


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