Marta & Moi




Brand identity


Graphic guidelines


Print design

Web design

As she prepared to become an auntie, Chloé, founder of Marta & Moi, asked herself a question:

How can we support young parents-to-be? Birth gift lists often revolve around the new baby-to-be, while the couple's current life is about to be turned upside down...

So Chloé gave her very first box of home-cooked meals to her brother and sister-in-law, and the idea for the project was born, along with her niece, Marta.

And so the adventure began.

Chloé needed a strong visual identity that would immediately express the ambition of her project.

What's more, she wanted flexibility, to be able to play around with her colors and typography, and to be an active player in her communications.

So, once the graphic charter is complete, we repeat the experience for the creation of communication media and the development of an online store.

More by Laurène Wittlin - Soley

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