Bo Nichols Family Law

Bo Nichols is a lawyer specializing in divorce, child custody, premarital agreements, and many other family issues people might not know need to be addressed. Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, the individual sought a website to inform people that their problems can be managed and fought legally. He tends to various clients and promises his quality service to them. 


Features of the Website Design and Development Services

  • It contains a professional and clean-looking design that makes wayfinding for users easy and filters that make searching even more convenient.

  • An inviting homepage that introduces users to Bo’s areas of specialization, qualifications, services, and previous client stories to hook users.

  • It also entails contact information such as email address, phone number, and CTAs advising users to consult with him to share and seek advice on their legal matters. 


What HOI Solutions Did?

  • We developed a unique website concept and design that presents that individual more professionally and reliably.

  • We assisted in providing compelling content on the website to draw in traffic and provide information people are searching for concerning law specialists.

  • We implemented online appointment scheduling and inserted contact forms to make it easier for users to contact a service or consultation.

  • We installed necessary analytics and kept tabs on how the website performs online and how to make it even better and more accessible.


The Result

Our quirky, distinctive, impactful website design and development services proved quite a success for Bo Nichols. His website’s traffic increased, clients were coming in, and the website performed exceptionally digitally. He is one of our best clients, and our relationship with him further established us as a go-to website design and services agency. 

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Posted on Oct 3, 2023
HOI Solutions
From Design Concept to Code; From Development to Deployment

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