Smoking Mouse (2022)

This was an assignment to draw an animal facing one way, turn the other way, and have something funny or dramatic happen to them.

I animated a mouse smoking a cigar, just minding his own business when some money falls from the sky and landing next to where he is standing. He picks it up and a fist shoots its way out of the dollar bill and into his face, grabbing the cigar midair, and takes a puff, leaving the mouse laying on the floor unconscious.

This was the longest animation I have done so far and it took me a while to get it to look alright. But the process of drawing up a storyboard/ thumbnails and getting the animatic done first was a great learning experience. It made things easier in the end, and I understand the animating process a lot more now.

Thumbnails/ storyboard

short animatic of the end

Posted on Sep 21, 2023

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