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Satire in this form refers to actions that gently criticize or satirize individuals or groups that have power or authority in a particular situation. This satire arises when these authorities tend to ignore the situation around them and focus too much on their own personal or environmental interests. In this condition, they often do not pay attention to or understand the impact of their decisions or actions on the wider community. They seem completely engaged with their own world, with no regard for the larger issue or the consequences of their actions. As a result, this attitude can be detrimental to many people, because the decisions taken may not consider the common interests or long-term implications. This kind of satire serves as a way to remind and criticize those in authority to be wiser in making decisions that affect many people.​​​​​​​



There are examples of actions that show a lack of sensitivity to the environment and the weather. Sheep that are slaughtered to meet market demand for sheep wool jackets show that the parties involved are more concerned with profit than ethics in production. In fact, this action occurs at the wrong time, namely when winter is still going on. The impact can be felt on animal welfare and also the potential for environmental damage due to not considering natural aspects.

Real examples of illegal logging destroying forests are given. This action reflects a lack of monitoring and enforcement of illegal logging, which is often carried out illegally and without ecological considerations. In fact, the unwillingness of related parties to admit their involvement in illegal logging shows the lack of transparency in the management of natural resources.

Air pollution is in the spotlight. A comparison of air pollution by smoking 100 cigarettes gives a concrete picture of how bad the air is in that area. The impact of this pollution not only disrupts air quality, but also has a negative impact on the health of the local community. Bad smells and difficulty breathing are some examples of side effects resulting from high levels of pollution.

There is a sad picture of the neglect of the coastal environment. Trash that is scattered without people around it shows that awareness of environmental cleanliness is not a priority. Not only is it detrimental to the aesthetics of the beach, but it also threatens the ecosystem that lives around it. This reflects a lack of responsibility towards nature and a lack of effort in protecting the environment from negative human impacts.

Traffic problems are the last highlight. The chaotic traffic situation every day illustrates that this problem has become a habit that cannot be overcome by concrete action. Traffic congestion has serious impacts, such as increased exhaust emissions and delays in daily activities. This shows that the problem of transportation has not received adequate treatment even though the impact is very real for everyday people.




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