Blunt Umbrellas by Double

Blunt Umbrellas


Our team built a beautifully converting e-commerce journey that dramatically increased customers from Google and Social Ads. Our visualisations mapped the most profitable countries for Blunt to enter and modelled the cash payback of advertising between cities.

Website Conversion Rate

By better understanding our customer (personas, typical website journey, critical purchase information etc) we were able to design and A/B test better-converting versions of the Blunt website. This was underpinned by immaculate tracking – telling us not only what customers cared about on their way to purchase, but which exact ad (or number of ads) maximised advertising budgets.

We began to treat different customer segments differently (older/younger, richer/poorer, city/urban etc, technical/emotional buyers) to personalise the buying experience and maximise conversion.

Finally, our weather based ads automation triggered ads to serve during bad weather (rain and wind) drastically increasing the likelihood of someone visiting the website to actually make a purchase.


Increase in Website Conversion Rate.

#1 Rank

On Google for top 5 keywordsTop company in NZ & AU.


Increase in website revenue over 7 months.

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