TalentX | Website

This was one of the first concept projects I did.

The objective of this project was to create three web pages: the homepage, the about us page, and the start hiring page.

TalentX aims to expand its customer base by attracting top-tier clients while maintaining its commitment to a human-centered approach. The website aims to drive clients to schedule a call with TalentX, clearly communicate the company's services, and offer evidence of its excellence through past client success stories.

The Hero section of the website features a professional and simple box model design. It welcomes visitors with a team photo and a straightforward headline, accompanied by two clear call-to-action buttons. The overlay in the logo section helps draw attention to client logos, providing a visually relieving effect. To enhance user experience, a chat option has been seamlessly incorporated into the design. This addition reflects TalentX's human-first approach, prioritizing care and support for clients, and creating a safe environment for their needs to be addressed.

The inclusion of the animated mesh gradient in the header of the About Us page gives TalentX's brand a modern and innovative look. This, combined with a description of TalentX as a brand and a friendly team photo below, helps to connect clients with the team and instills trust. Additionally, the inclusion of a section showcasing proof of success is crucial in persuading clients to connect with TalentX.

Input fields along with clear instructions on what information should be entered into each field & a CTA right below them. Proof of success & CTA sections were also included, encouraging clients to engage with the website.

To complete the project, I designed responsive pages for each section of the website. In addition to optimizing the layout for the standard 1440 screen resolution, I ensured a seamless user experience across various screen sizes. I crafted tailored designs for screens with resolutions of 390, 768, 1024, and 1920, guaranteeing a user-friendly experience for visitors using different devices.

Posted on Aug 20, 2023

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