LeafoLogy Tea E-commerce

From Novice to Talented Designer: Journey into the World of UX/UI

Hello, designer community! πŸ’œ

It's a project of student Lana.

At the beginning of the UX/UI design course, my student felt a certain complexity. However, her passion and dedication to the craft allowed her to quickly familiarize herself with the tools and concepts that form the foundation of UX/UI.

In just a few sessions, she embarked on creating an ecommerce pages - a task that demanded her full effort and involvement. It was a challenge, as she had only just begun her journey in the world of design.

The result she showcased is truly awe-inspiring. Her design not only looks professional and stylish but effectively conveys information and creates an impression. Her rapid progress demonstrates significant potential and growth in the field of UX/UI design.

This story serves as great inspiration for all of us, reminding us that with a strong desire and determination, remarkable achievements can be reached even in the most challenging realms. We take pride in my student and her impressive accomplishments in UX/UI design!

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πŸ’‘ By the way, if you are interested in learning more about the profession of a designer or improving your work, write: πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’» Instagram

Want to know how much education costs? πŸ‘‰ See here

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Posted on Aug 17, 2023

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