Design homepage for a modern Public Relations firm

Organization name: Hughes Agency

Industry: Communications

Description of the organization:

We are a Public Relations firm in Greenville, SC. Our office is like our brand - clean, white, and professional. We provide PR and marketing services that include: advertising, design, experiential, digital, and media.

Style & Theme Ideas:

A logo grid on the homepage would be great. An overview of our services on the homepage would be nice as well. At some point, we will have a brand video to showcase on the homepage too.

Page Descriptions:

This is not set in stone: a header, hero, intro, services, logo grid, contact section, footer. Something along those lines. We are open to more if it fits.

The services section should include Public Relations, Media Relations, Event Management, Strategic Planning, Branding, and Advertising.

Contact us for a new project

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