Muscle Memory Fitness App

80% of weight lifters I researched fail to reach their lifting goals. Which means, 4 out of 5 lifters in the gym are putting in the hours and energy but not reaping the payoff.

Muscle Memory is a fitness app concept designed for your watch that coaches you through lifting more weight, gaining strength, and ultimately hitting your workout goals.

The idea came from my own struggle to consistently put on muscle mass. I researched fellow lifters and found most of us know to get bigger you have to lift more weight, but finding the right times and motivation to lift more isn't as easy as science makes it sound!

The app takes advantage of the science behind muscle growth - the path to get bigger comes down to consistently adding weight to your workouts. Muscle Memory takes the guess work out of the equation by learning your specific workouts and injecting more weight at the right time to maximize your gains.

Happy lifting!

Jeremy Basham
Design ideas & resources. Things I make just for fun :)

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