Edmondson Hall Website

I'm thrilled to share my latest project, Edmondson Hall, which I recently completed on Dribbble. Edmondson Hall is a stunning website that combines elegant typography and a harmonious color palette to create a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.

Typography Used:

I chose to use the AddingtonCF and Manrope typefaces for this project. AddingtonCF adds a touch of sophistication, while Manrope ensures readability and modernity.

Colors Utilized:

The color scheme is a blend of #588CC7 (a rich blue), #FCFCFD (clean white), #0F162B (deep navy), #E0EDF1 (soft blue-gray), #EFF6F8 (light gray-blue), and #FFFFFF (pure white). This combination creates a sense of professionalism and tranquility, perfect for the legal industry.

Tools Employed:

To bring Edmondson Hall to life, I used a variety of tools, including Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD, and VS Code. These tools helped me craft a pixel-perfect design and ensure a seamless user experience.

Technologies Developed:

The website is built on the WordPress platform, enhanced with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for easy content management. I utilized PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap to create a responsive and feature-rich site. This combination of technologies ensures a robust and dynamic web presence.

Website Link:

You can explore the completed project by visiting Edmondson Hall. Feel free to navigate the site, explore its pages, and experience the elegant design and functionality firsthand.

I'm immensely proud of the outcome, and I hope you enjoy browsing the Edmondson Hall website as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Posted on Aug 4, 2023
Diego Garcia
UX / UI Designer & Web Developer

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