Pathway - Property Search

The goal of the web application is to educate the user to play around and explore their options. One of the biggest decisions is certainly not a game, but in order to come to the (first) version of the Pathway offering system requires user input.

Powerful data engine in the background covers whole UK’s property market and serves actual properties that are available for sale with no need to explore several different websites and visit numerous bank consultants. When a user learns to analyse results and options given for their inputs, they’ll start creating their own plans by evaluating their personal and family preferences: neighbourhood, number of bedrooms, distance from work, main city areas etc.

Showing properties on the map seemed obvious: the list on the left side might be overwhelming due to the number of results but seeing pins on the map makes it easier for the user to absorb the info and continue exploring and navigating on the map by zooming in and out.

Thanks Google API for this!

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