Let's Help Each Other

This year has been particularly tough for our industry. I know a lot of people are struggling to find work and I can feel it too.

I’m happy to offer my time (of course, for free) to anyone starting out in the industry, peers, or anyone who simply wants to have a friendly chat. We can do a portfolio/reel critique, chat about the challenges we’re facing and brainstorm how can we make the most of the current situation.

I’m not a famous motion designer or anything like that, but I’ve been freelancing for 5 years and besides the artistic part I love learning about the business. Let's connect and support each other during these tricky times.We're in this together!

Here you can book the call with me: https://calendly.com/jakubjezovic/30min

You can find more of my work at:

Website | Instagram | LinkedIn

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