Paper Planes and Software Struggles


In the realm of software development design teams, two strategies collide: incremental work versus push and pull. But amidst the battle, a surprising twist unfolded during one of my happiness management workshops. Get ready for a tale of paper planes, laughter, and revelations!

The Clash

On one side, incremental work enthusiasts meticulously build software step by step, while push and pull advocates thrive on collaboration and collective effort. It's a clash of strategies that fuels heated debates.

The Unexpected Turn

During our workshop, we stumbled upon the joy of paper plane manufacturing. Amidst code and pixels, we found ourselves crafting planes and engaging in a playful competition.

The Revelation

As laughter filled the room and paper planes soared, we discovered a universal truth. Whether incremental or push and pull, the joy of working together unites us all.

Lessons Learned

In this whimsical adventure, we embraced the power of collaboration and shared experiences. The paper plane game reminded us that amidst software struggles, a touch of lightheartedness can work wonders.


Let us remember the laughter, camaraderie, and unexpected unity sparked by paper planes. Whether incremental or push and pull, let's embrace the power of playfulness and unity in our software journeys. Fly high, my friends, and watch as our creations soar with joy and brilliance!

Captain Franzi - over and out. 🛫

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