Get in touch with our project Hec Solar

Service Requested: Showcasing Global Solar Power Plants with an Interactive Project Map

Platform Used: Elevating user experience, we seamlessly integrated Google Maps into the website to craft an interactive map that serves as a comprehensive guide to HEC Solar's worldwide efforts in promoting sustainable development.

"HEC Solar: Illuminating Global Impact with an Interactive Map, Igniting Engagement, and Fostering Growth"

Tools Used: By seamlessly integrating Google Maps, we harnessed the power of a dynamic and user-friendly interactive map.

Our Process: Our primary focus was to design an interactive map that directly connects with Google Maps, visually illustrating the geographical distribution of HEC Solar's power plants. Each pinpoint on the map represents a distinct HEC Solar project, offering a tangible glimpse into their extensive operations.

Achievements: The implementation of the interactive project map not only elevated user experience but also provided a comprehensive insight into the extensive scope of HEC Solar's work. This resulted in heightened website engagement, increased interest in services, and the emergence of new avenues for growth and collaborations.

Posted on Jul 6, 2023
Unlimited Digital
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