Vimigo - Performance Reward System

Hi Dribbblers,

I wanted to share one of our projects with you. We had the opportunity to improve the UI and UX design for the Vimigo app. Vimigo is a leading performance reward system that aims to boost productivity and team performance.

We partnered with Vimigo to enhance their product experience and tackle specific challenges they were facing


Vimigo approached us with the following challenges:

  • The existing design did not meet user expectations.

  • Lack of cohesive, user-friendly experience across platforms.

  • Need for a prototype to gather feedback and secure stakeholder buy-in.

vimigo mobile app design

Improvement: To overcome these challenges, we:

  • Redesigned the interface to meet user needs and preferences.

  • Collaborated closely with Vimigo's team for seamless integration.

  • Improved user satisfaction and engagement.

vimigo mobile app design

Outcomes: Our collaboration resulted in:

  • Improved user experience and satisfaction.

  • Strong alignment between Vimigo's products and user expectations.

  • Successful prototype for stakeholder feedback

vimigo overall delivered
Transforming Digital Experiences