Die Sonne im Arsch II - CD Packaging

7 years after the first release the german hip-hop artist Breichle needed a branding for his latest mixtape. I created this cover as well as a full CD packaging and some social media graphics.

The cover picks up the circular line elements from the first release to create a visual bridge to its cover. The main goal was convey the summer vibes of the music through bright and sunny landscapes.

I used various Photoshop actions to create clouds out of simple paths which allowed for a lot of freedom during creation.

My initial goal was an anime like look as seen in this poster by Zakaria Ourhou. I started by combining a landscape stock photo "낮에 녹색 잎이 많은 식물" by Adele Payman and a sky from 30daysreplay (which sadly has been deleted).

A combination of multiple regular photoshop painting effects covers up any incongruity.

I'm very happy with the result since we ended up with a quite unique look that not only matches the theme of the music perfectly, but also provides enough freedom to produce lots of fitting variations in no time.

Posted on Jun 18, 2023
Adrian Fahrbach
Hey there! 👋

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