Islamic book cover design | Book cover

Islamic book cover design | Book cover

Open the door of heaven

What comes up in our imagination when we say the door of heaven? Whatever floats up, it is nowhere near the real door of heaven; It can be said with certainty. No human brain is capable of comprehending its enormity. A feature of the door of heaven is described—its width is equal to the distance of seventy years. On the authority of Safwan Ibn Asal (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

إِنَّ‎ ‎مِنْ‎ ‎قِبَلِ‎ ‎مَغْرِبِ‎ ‎الشَّمْسِ‎ ‎بَابًا‎ ‎مَّفْتُوْحً,‎ ‎عْرضُهُ‎ ‎سَبْعُوْنَ‎ ‎سَنَةً‎

"There is a door of the sky towards the Astachal of the sun, the width of which is the distance of seventy years."

Heaven's Door has several other features. Its doors or some doors are opened only at special times. In this way, the doors of heaven or some doors are opened for certain actions and souls and closed for certain actions and souls. Again there is a door of heaven, which is always open; never closes. This door will never be closed until the sun rises in the west.

(This is an unused book cover design.)

Full project view - Behance 

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