Design and typeset: Teorie obrazu v raném křesťanství?

The book The Theory of the Image in Early Christianity? edited by Chiara Bordino contains an introduction to the texts of the Church Fathers who wrote theoretical writings not only on the depiction of Christian motifs. In the second part of the book, these very texts are translated into Czech for the first time, accompanied by the original text in Latin or classical Greek.

Published 2020.

The book contains short biographical informations of individual thinkers, accompanied by an original decorative block based on the decorative pages of the manuscripts

The graphic design of the original texts is based on a study of the manuscripts in which these texts can be found. The abstract elements above each text are inspired by these manuscripts and have been hand cleaned and digitally reworked.

In contrast, the translated Czech text stands out, its contemporaneity expressed by the simple graphic design of the typesetting.

In order to better understand the introduction and its conclusions, each line that refers to the translated historical documents that appear in the second half of the book is accompanied by a link to that page.

Posted on Jun 9, 2023

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