Truck/Vehicle graphics

As SG (Servicegrossistene) has gotten a new logo and new identity the vehicles they drive also needed an update. Small changes have been made as the new and old logo is to live together for a while.

Changes made:

  • Colors updated

  • Logo and wholesalers name together as new profile says. Logo is therefor centered

  • Image in the back is the same, but the cut has been made to resemble the new logo

  • Updated font

Electric version

The electric version of the trucks have small difference to set them a part a little bit. It has a text that says "100% electric" and one that says "I am driving emission-free".

The "100% electric" text changes depending on what the car is using as fuel, but these rules only apply to the emission-free trucks.

The "I am driving emission-free" text is formed in such a way to make it look like the logo for the spesific wholesaler is saying it. It can also be written in either one of the two forms of written norwegian, bokmål or nynorsk. It's up to the individual wholesaler to decide which one they want to use.

Food cart

Posted on Aug 1, 2023

More by Amund Bjørnstad

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