Oceana - opening sequence

This opening sequence was created to celebrate the amazing work Oceana does in restoring our planet's marine ecosystems.

Inspired by layered paper artwork, we digitally recreated an ocean scene teaming with marine life.

We wanted to give the viewer a real scene of moving down into the ocean depths. We achieved this by setting up the ocean layers and sea life animations in 3D space, then animating a camera through the scene.

Our marine life was built using the same digitally created layered paper effect. To give the schools of fish a real world appearance, we built each fish individually, giving them all a unique swim path and build up the layers, until we hard a suitably realistic swarm effect.

Finally we created a bespoke sound design to sell the experience of travelling down beneath the waves and into the depths of the ocean...

The final video animation was optimised for both online use and large scale out of home digital screens.

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