Ad Agency Website

Hello to all dribbblers!

I present to you a new snapshot of my web design, created for a Ads Agency Account



Contact Me: 📩

About this project

At its core, this endeavor showcases my prowess in transforming an Agency Ad account into a dynamic hub of lead generation. With a keen eye for detail, I constructed a scalable and intuitive design that not only catches the eye but also directs users towards conversion.

Delving deeper into the digital realm, I crafted SEO-optimized copy that resonates with audiences and search engines alike. But words alone cannot convey the complete experience. I orchestrated a visual UX journey that engages visitors on a visual and emotional level, ensuring a seamless transition from interest to action.

This project encompasses a complete visual identity overhaul, a testament to my expertise in crafting brands that leave an indelible mark. Every color, every element, every pixel, thoughtfully curated to convey the essence of the brand.

In this dynamic landscape, where digital engagement is the cornerstone of success, this project stands as a beacon of innovation. Join me in exploring the amalgamation of design, copy, user experience, and visual identity that converge to reshape the way we perceive and excel in digital marketing.

Here's the Wireframe for the Landing Page - made in Figma

WireFrame in Figma

More by marina orlando ottenga

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