#36daysoftype logo collection ( for sale )

Hey everyone!

I've got some exciting news to share! Remember those individual logos I posted each day during the #36daysoftype challenge? Well, they are now all together in one comprehensive collection for you to enjoy on Behance.

This collection truly represents my journey through these 36 days—each logo a day, each day a new challenge. It's been an incredible experience sharing these with you and receiving your valuable feedback.

Here's the link to the collection: https://www.behance.net/gallery/170749157/Logotype-for-each-letter-and-number

Please take a moment to visit, and don't forget to appreciate if you like it. Your support has always been my greatest motivation, and it means the world to me.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the complete collection. Thanks for being part of this design journey!

Let's work together! ✉️


Let's connect! 🔗




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