Oneflow - SAAS

Webpage application for the lifecycle of a contract.

Oneflow is a application that follows a contract throught the full lifecycle and lets people interact within the tool it self.

This was a very fun project since we were doing a total facelift for both the application and the website. I also got to redo all the marketing designs, such as logos, UI etc. So a true End to End project.

My contributions:

  • research

  • Defining KPIs

  • design system and overall graphic profile

  • early wireframes

  • Mockups

  • Final design

This is currently being updated. More screens to come

Early assumtions & wireframes

Flow charts & scenarios

We listed all the possible cases and tested them through the flows. A lot of new ideas sprung out of this so i would say this is the most important stage in a project.


Some early wireframes also tested our thoughts in a visual way.

Posted on May 15, 2023

More by Anna.G

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