VividLabs Website

Website design and development for a company providing online registering for a free testing in various location across the Germany in the early stages of the COVID pandemic.

One of the projects I both designed and coded using design system I created. The VividLabs website features a clean layout with a soft and calming color palette. The homepage displays the service offered, with clear info and locations across the Germany for users to register for free testing.

The registration process is streamlined and intuitive, guiding users through a series of simple steps to complete their registration via card elements. The design is simple, user-friendly, and aims to provide a seamless user experience for the users looking for testing.

Design was created using Adobe XD, utilizing ATLAS, a design system I created for a digital agency providing design, web development and online marketing services. ATLAS is a set of wireframe layout blocks and elements used for fast prototyping. A starting point for the visual communication between client, designers while also functional for developers.

To bring the design to life, I coded the front-end part with HTML5, CSS3, and SCSS. The back-end devs did the custom WordPress part to create a website.

Overall, the website design was effective in achieving its goal of providing an online service for free COVID testing in various locations across the country.

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