Florida Lakes Vein Center - Web Design

Between their traditionally minded market and the state of their previous website, Florida Lakes Vein Center found it difficult to compete in the digital space for their multi-location vein services.

Their key goal in undergoing a website rebuild was to educate users on the different types of vein disease, and provide trusted insights and resources for readers to explore treatment options.

The primary visual feature used in the new website's design is a leg graphic that animates on scroll to see visuals of vein conditions, paired with descriptive content that each link to more information.

The website was designed with their older demographic in mind, utilizing large text, clear UX indicators, and digestible image-based content.

While catering to an older demographic, the site's design still maintains a youthful look by utilizing rounded edges, dynamic layouts, and bright colors and gradients inspired by Florida's beautiful sunsets.

Our media team also captured updated, high-quality photography and videography, of which the previous website was lacking. These added visuals help users more clearly envision their in-office experience and put their minds at ease when it comes to getting the treatments they need to thrive.

Made with 💜 in Kansas City

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Lifted Logic
We are nerds in love with the web

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