Mentr cross platform app design

Mentr is a cross-platform app that I designed as part of my final project for the Google UX Design Professional Certification. Initially I choose the prompt “Design an accessible career coaching tool to help new college grads” and later I Improvised it as mentorship and social media networking app for college grads.

I followed a mobile-first approach and designed the mobile app first. After finalizing the design and solving all the design challenges, I then moved on to designing a mobile-responsive web app.For the web app, I started with digital wireframing to determine the position & size of components on the web page, and later incorporated them into a high-fidelity prototype.Since I already had the mobile app design, it was easier for me to make it a mobile-responsive design. I only made a few minor changes to adapt it to the web platform.

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Posted on Apr 29, 2023

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