Poster design with AR

Poster design with AR

The poster design for the yearly exhibition of KHM exhibition remains the same in its design except for the color.

The Challenge: KHM wanted a new poster but using the same design as it has been retaining throughout the years

The Solution: Since the KHM poster could not be changed much except its color, we decided to change the design by adding an Augmented Reality animation on top of it. 

The Limitation: A group of 6 students did experiments with different techniques of traditional animations. A piece of music was selected. This music was divided into 12 sections, among the 6 people. Each person needed to animate to follow the music beats of their part of the music timeline. The animation had to start inside the inner rectangular frame of the poster. Each person used some kind of traditional animation.

My Process: I chose three different sections of the music. One part I created using the Pix elation technique, the second was created using paper-cut animation, and the third was created using oil on glass. Each animation was about 30–40 seconds. 

Pixelation technique:  I decided to create a stop-motion on a hand, oil on glass, paper cut-outs, thread painting, clay, etc. The animation was done keeping in mind the animatic, which was created on certain rhythms and beats. I worked on the stop-motion on a hand and animated a sequence in oil on glass technique. All the animations were later compiled in After Effects and exported for augmented reality on the poster. The Scan code on the poster can take the person to the app download, with which they can read the animation on the poster.

The Limitation: A group of 6 students did experiments with different techniques of traditional animations. A piece of music was selected. This music was divided into 12 sections, among the 6 people. Each person needed to animate to follow the music beats of their part of the music timeline. The animation had to start inside the inner rectangular frame of the poster. Each person used some kind of traditional animation.

Learning/ Challenges: 

-The animations were made by different people and thus had to be compiled as one sequence.

-The animation had to fit inside the smaller rectangle, while some elements had to interact with the space on the poster outside the smaller rectangle.

-The scan code had to be linked to Artivive app first, so that when the user scans the code, they are first directed to download the app.

-The user would be accessing the poster in several different locations, but mostly while standing. Hence, the total length of the animation was kept within 1 minute. Thus, the user does not lose attention or become uncomfortable standing while they watch it.

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