Efoy App

Happy day of the week, everyone! 🎉

Proud to share my latest exploration of the Efoy App.


In Ethiopia, hailing a taxi traditionally involves standing on the street and flagging down a passing taxi, which can be time-consuming and unsafe, especially for women. To solve this problem, our team developed Efoy, a taxi booking app that allows users to easily and safely hail a taxi from their smartphone.

The Problem:

Traditional taxi hailing in Ethiopia was inefficient, unreliable, and often unsafe. Passengers had to negotiate fares with drivers, and there was no easy way to track rides or report issues. Efoy's challenge was to create an app that could address these issues and gain widespread adoption.

My Role:

As the lead designer, I conducted research on the Ethiopian taxi market, identified user needs and pain points, created wireframes and prototypes, designed a user-friendly interface and experience of the app, and conducted usability testing to ensure that the app was easy to use and navigate.

My Responsibilities:

I conducted user interviews, developed user personas, mapped out user journeys, designed visual elements such as icons and graphics, and worked closely with the development team to ensure that the design was implemented correctly.

The Goal:

The goal of the Efoy app was to provide a safe, efficient, and user-friendly taxi-hailing experience for users in Ethiopia, with a simple and intuitive interface that would make booking and tracking ride a breeze. The app aimed to appeal to both customers and drivers and address the problems associated with traditional taxi hailing.

The Solution:

After conducting extensive research and testing, we designed an app that included features such as real-time ride tracking, in-app payments, and driver ratings. We also made sure that the app was available in both Amharic and English to cater to a wide range of users. The app allowed users to easily book and pay for their taxi rides from their smartphones, with a way to report incidents and file complaints to address safety concerns. We conducted extensive user testing and made iterative design improvements to ensure a seamless user experience.


The app is launching soon at the end of 2023, and we believe Efoy will become one of the leading ride-hailing apps in Ethiopia, with plans to expand to other cities in the near future.


its success shows the power of design thinking and user-centered design in creating solutions that meet the needs of a diverse and underserved population. By understanding the local context and working closely with users, we were able to create an app that improved the lives of both customers and drivers and helped to modernize the taxi industry in Ethiopia. As the lead designer, I am proud to have played a key role in the design process and to have helped create a solution that has made a real difference in people's lives.

→ See full Case Study

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Design — Figma

I hope you all like it. Cheers! ✨

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Email: walwaalemayehu@gmail.com

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