
The website was over 20 years old and had gone through many updates. Although this allowed the business to grow with it's ever-changing needs, it was not scalable. The blog and web store both lived separately from the main website, causing a disjointed user experience. It was now time to bring all properties together into one cohesive site in order to clarify the products offered and the many applications and solutions provided.

From the outset, it became clear that focusing on the target demographic and their needs was crucial for the ACD/Labs website, given its scale and complexity. Through user research, we identified two distinct user groups: potential customers and resource seekers. During the design process, I consistently referred back to the end users, aiming to eliminate any potential obstacles and guide them effectively.

To work closely with the client, I organized weekly design calls and shared design views and user flows, encouraging open discussion and collaboration on the project. With how complex the products offered by ACD/Labs are, this collaborative environment with the client was extremely important.

Posted on Apr 20, 2023

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