#74 Hero Group

Country: Switzerland

Industry: consumer food manufacturer

About: Hero was established in 1886 when two friends, Gustav Henckell, an experienced conserve factory employee, and Gustav Zeiler, a fruit farmer, set up the Henckell & Zeiler, Conservenfabrik Lenzburg to process fruit and vegetables. By the end of the year, they were joined by Carl Roth. When Gustav Zeiler, aged 30, died unexpectedly in 1889, the company was renamed Henckell & Roth. The Hero brand name, derived from the first two letters of the partners’ names, Henckell and Roth, was launched in 1910.

Mission: Our mission, to delight consumers by conserving the goodness of nature, addresses the needs and desires of today’s consumers for authentic, honest food. We believe in going back to basics and adopting the principles of purity, honesty, and simplicity. We do this by having fewer, more natural ingredients that are prepared with minimum processing.

Values: Create wow, Everyone Hero, Nourish others, and Take responsibility.

Words: nature, heritage, delight

Strategy: use golden leafs and art deco vibes to convey the sense of heritage and delight of this established brand.

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