Build 1.0 - Day 19 | Belle Beauty - Beauty Products web design

This is #Day19 of Build 1.0 and we've now switched from phase one to phase two! From here onwards, all the designs I'll upload and showcase will be my creation! I'm so happy to show you all what I've been working on for the past week.

#Day19's prompt was about designing a large scale e-commerce website's landing page, so I came up with my own ideas! I did look here and there for inspiration, from actual websites to designs on behance and dribbble, and came up with this landing page. I'm quite happy with my work for now, but I know there's potential for more! Although at some point you have to stop obsessing over minute details and get in that submission, but I've tried to get it right for the most part.

Here's a better shot of the whole website!

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