Hansens Waffles Xd Prototype

I started off by going to Random Project Generator to create my own unique (fictional) company that I would be working on a prototype for. On this site it gave me an idea of who I was designing for as it is not me or the client who are the important people when it comes to design choices, but it is the user, in this case Gretchen from Fyn.

Color Palette

Before making any design, I like to use the Adobe color wheel to make a color palette that helps me visualise a clear identity in terms of colors for my design. Here I simply used a picture of Waffles and used this create a color palette and then adjusted it slighty to fit to my liking.

Low-fidelity prototype

I always start off by creating a very low-fi version, when I am designing anything. Especially in web- or app design its a great way to be able to test out the usability very early on and get user valuable user feedback. I avoid using colors or fonts that are "edgy" to have the user focus on the usability of the product.

Style tile

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Posted on May 4, 2023

More by Jonas Hansen

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