Chibi character set for Korean gift shop app

As a 2D illustrator, I was tasked with creating a set of character illustrations for a Korean mobile app that operates as a gift shop. 

The app sells various fun and entertaining items such as party costumes, party snacks, and other products targeted towards kids and youth. 

My role in the project was to develop a set of brand characters that would be used in the app's interface to add a touch of charm and personality to the brand.

To achieve the desired outcome, I decided to go with the Chibi style of illustration, which involves creating cute and small versions of characters with exaggerated features.

I wanted to make the characters as appealing and lovable as possible, while still staying true to the brand's style.

Below are the examples of the app screen designs which incorporate my work.

👋 Hey, nice to meet you!

I create digital art for tech startups and game development clients.

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More by Krystyna Kravchenko

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